Make your in-club video displays and TV systems work harder to help your members workout better. Introducing Circuit 365 – a library of, pre-designed “circuits” that bring engaging daily workouts to dormant displays – and offer members a new challenge in bite sized chunks they can do anytime.
Circuit 365 offers a library of 30 pre-designed, short form, “circuits” – each with eight different exercises that can run on your club’s FitnessOnDemand connected video displays. Choose and feature a different circuit each day to promote as a “Workout of the Day” or “Daily Circuit” as an exciting new way to help members workout.

Circuit 365 can accommodate up to eight users at any one time with minimal equipment needed. Circuits offer specialty core, upper, lower and whole body workouts – at varying levels of difficulty for beginners, intermediate and more experienced members. Users can jump into a circuit with any one of the eight on screen exercises in any order to get started, and work through the day’s circuit at one minute station intervals, with thirty second breaks in between. Stop with one circuit, or go again with multiple laps, to get a longer workout.
Circuit 365 is also simple to operate and designed for ultimate convenience too. Club operators can easily access, or make changes, to the daily circuit via their FitnessOnDemand management app, even when they’re not on site in the club. Circuit365 is now available on all FitnessOnDemand GROUP memberships. Contact us today to get started.
